Privacy Policy


Welcome to DTC Group (“DTC Group”, “we” or “our”). DTC Group offers an end-to-end suite of blockchain technology, from dedicated nodes and APIs to easily-accessible staking and liquid staking and MPC technology, packaged together in one integration. In this Privacy Policy, we describe our practice around collecting and using your information in connection with our publicly available website, technology platform, software, and services (collectively “Services”).

You are free to not give us your information or to revoke your permission that allows us to do so, but please be aware that denying or revoking permissions previously granted may negatively impact your experience with and functionality of our Services due to the reliance on certain collected information.  If at any point you want to change our access to your information you may do so via denying web browser permissions when prompted, and changing the privacy setting of your web browser or device. Due to the nature of data collection, storage and management we can only provide further restrictions of data collection and use to our registered users at this time.

You will never be discriminated against for exercising any rights afforded to you under this policy or by applicable law and if you have questions, comments, or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at with “Privacy Policy” in the subject line.  Capitalized terms not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the meaning set forth in our Terms of Use.

How We Use Your Information

We only retain and use your Personal Information and other data to the extent necessary to: comply with our legal obligations; resolve disputes; enforce our terms and conditions, our policies and other applicable terms (such as those of our Business Partners). If you stop using our Services, we will store your information (including your end users’ information) in an aggregated and anonymized format for no longer than is required by our own needs or by law, whichever is longer. We may use this information without further notice to you, except where required by law or other regulatory authority.

Below is a table that describes what information is used by whom. If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the below uses and parties please email with “Privacy Policy” in the subject line.

Your Information Rights

As a registered user of our Services, you may access, review, make changes to, and delete your Personal Information at any time by sending an email to with the subject line, “Privacy Policy”. We do not sell the information we collect about you and always use commercially reasonable efforts to process your requests in a timely manner. When fulfilling a request you have submitted, we may ask for additional information in order to verify your identity and applicable rights.

Due to the structure of our company we are at times required to transfer your data between entities, across borders, or to third parties for processing and/or storage. At all times these transfers are governed by standard contractual clauses that afford your information a high standard of protection and in no way impede your ability to exercise your privacy rights.

To make a request in relation to the your below regional rights, or make them on behalf of someone else as their agent, please contact us at with the subject line, “Privacy Policy”. When fulfilling a request, we may ask for additional information or documentation to verify your identity and authority in the event you are an acting agent.


You may manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of any applicable DTC Group email. Depending on the sender it may have alternative phrasing such as “If you’d like me to stop sending you emails, please click here”. You can also opt out by sending us an email at with “Email Opt-Out” in the subject line. However it is not possible to opt-out of all communications, as we are required to provide you with certain information. For example registered users cannot opt out of receiving transactional or administrative e-mails related to their account.

You are always welcome to contact us at with the subject line, “Privacy Policy” and we will respond as soon as possible. When fulfilling a request you have submitted, we may ask for additional information and documents in order to verify your identity, and ability to exercise by asking for proof of residency in the appropriate region or documents showing you’re permitted to act as someone’s agent. We will never discriminate against you nor any agent you designate on your behalf to exercise your privacy rights as provided to you under this policy and law. However, if you do not have an account with DTC Group will not have enough information to verify your identity in order to respond to your requests as we do not collect sufficient information about our unregistered visitors to reliably identify what information pertains to you.

Protecting Your Information

To protect your Personal Information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction,  we have implemented reasonable and appropriate security measures that take into account the risks involved in processing and the nature of such data, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. Please understand, however, that no security system is impenetrable, and we do not guarantee the security of our databases, nor can we guarantee that the Personal Information that you supply will never be obtained by malicious or other bad actors.